O how lame thy can be.....
They used it. The absurd rational behind it tickled laughters to the nation. These lame excuses is then "tai chied" (pushed) away from one party to another citing they have nothing to do with it. They punished the messenger, whislt the propreitor is set scott free merely bearing the stigma of being suspended. Is this fairness? Is this democratic?
Virgil prayers are being offered nationwide. The purpose of this prayer vigil is to open up another avenue for us to express our concerns and even protests in a peaceful (non-violent), purposeful, and prayerful manner.
"Our country enters the phase of naked display of aggression. When a regime is morally bankrupt it will use immoral means to hold on to power. We might be weak but we still have the power of prayer & silent witnessing. ... The unjust may break our bones but they can't break our spirit. " - Father O.C. Lim
Whereas the world is spinning around, I am still stuck here.. Views of a todd from his pen
Monday, September 15, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
They say "It takes a big man to say sorry". (http://www.thestar.com.my/columnists/story.asp?col=thestarsays&file=/2008/9/7/columnists/thestarsays/22261867&sec=The%20Star%20Says ) A macho-chavaunistic-ego-manifested person will find it hard to admit his wrong-doing, no doubts about that. It's hard to admit that when it comes to ethical standards, we do practise double sets of rules. For example, some certain blogger insulted the country by rapping his toughts and wishes via the national anthem and he gets slammed by the entire country until some would want to threaten ISA detention, jail sentence etc. etc. etc. ... even though he had publicly expressed his apologies.
And worst of all, when he publicly stated that he would not apologies, and putting the blame to others, this show what a chavaunist is, is a chavaunist can be.
I had my qualms. And I will stay on my reservation and this is what I had to say...
"Hey man, I also stand by my stance...Sorry No Cure and this one is for you.... "
And worst of all, when he publicly stated that he would not apologies, and putting the blame to others, this show what a chavaunist is, is a chavaunist can be.
I had my qualms. And I will stay on my reservation and this is what I had to say...
"Hey man, I also stand by my stance...Sorry No Cure and this one is for you.... "
Friday, August 29, 2008
RM 20 of eletricity
Hmm.. this keeps my head thinking , after couple of surveys, I was wondering, for a household in a range of RM20 or less electricity consumption, the house must be lived by ghost. Come larr.. show some sincerity... want to give, make it reasonable. I got the feeling of "suapan dari celah tangan" ( getting meagrely from between the hands). Unless the household is totally empty with the exception of lightings....maybe it can barely make it to the RM20 bracket...ok time to get rid of my water heater, air-cond, fridge, TV, fans bla bla bla
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Temporary Citizen my foot!!!!
I can't helped but felt very pissed by some so-call youth leader making racial remarks about the citizenship of Malaysian Chinese. Anyone with a clear conscience would be disgusted with such irresponsible statements in a desperate attempt to woo for votes at a constituency that they knew they would probably lose (there were even thoughts of not contesting at all). This clearly shows people would do or say anything in order to get votes for their own party. This is absolutely absurd knowingly that (even as a normal person) a leader, a youth chief would be raising sensitive sentiments and that eventually angried its own "konco-konco".
Why I felt so strongly about this? I was born and bred here in Malaysia, my beloved homeland, but now it looks like I feel betrayed by "them (whom they regard themself as being the supreme)
If the "konco-konco" is still keeping mummm about what had happened, rest assure, who will defend us? Well "we" will have to turn to the people that would defend us. Fair enough, it's part and parcel of life.....
Why I felt so strongly about this? I was born and bred here in Malaysia, my beloved homeland, but now it looks like I feel betrayed by "them (whom they regard themself as being the supreme)
If the "konco-konco" is still keeping mummm about what had happened, rest assure, who will defend us? Well "we" will have to turn to the people that would defend us. Fair enough, it's part and parcel of life.....
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Confession of a Canto-Drama addict
I think I am sick. Last weekend I went on a drama-marathon that ran up to 10 episodes of 40 minutes, which comes up to 480 minutes, 8 hours of solid watching all nite. And worst of all I couldn't make myself to stop until all the episodes in hand had been watched. Well it all started when I had "managed" to tuck Adrian to bed after spells of bed-jumping, drawer-ransacking and poking the keys at the notebook.
I started with episode 2 (hehe I even skipped lunch just to finish 1st episode in the office) and I ended with episode 12 at about 3 am. Still I can't closed my eyes as my head is insisting to finish the remaining 4.
Dead tired and my eyes were 3 quarter closed, pathetically, I managed to crawl up to get the notebook to the bed and well enough to finish the remaining 2.
Hahaha, I did sort of finish it but I could vaguely remember the story line.
"See !!!!! What's the point" Andrew commented.
So again, I had to rewatched the last 2 again. Stupidity had caused me to waste of my effort .
So boys and girls, a lesson is well-taught here.
Then again, can't wait for the next episode.........
I started with episode 2 (hehe I even skipped lunch just to finish 1st episode in the office) and I ended with episode 12 at about 3 am. Still I can't closed my eyes as my head is insisting to finish the remaining 4.

Hahaha, I did sort of finish it but I could vaguely remember the story line.
"See !!!!! What's the point" Andrew commented.
So again, I had to rewatched the last 2 again. Stupidity had caused me to waste of my effort .
So boys and girls, a lesson is well-taught here.
Then again, can't wait for the next episode.........
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
When the teacher fowls....
Recently news upsets me greatly. Here we are trying our best to bring up our children with instilled good morales and dignity and there an educator, a person whom we entrusted upon to bestowed knowledge to our children, making derogatory remarks about her students and calling them unflattering names. Sigh....
Teachers being the pillars of our education system has a major role in instilling vlues to our children, our future. It's very disheartening that such incident should ever happened. And above all, the teacher concerned is only being transferred? Are they anymore diciplinary action taken against her? The future of our children is at stake... http://www.thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?ile=/2008/8/6/nation/22012122&sec=nation
Teachers being the pillars of our education system has a major role in instilling vlues to our children, our future. It's very disheartening that such incident should ever happened. And above all, the teacher concerned is only being transferred? Are they anymore diciplinary action taken against her? The future of our children is at stake... http://www.thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?ile=/2008/8/6/nation/22012122&sec=nation
Thursday, June 26, 2008
On the verge of poverty
How much you should earn in order for you not to be considered poor. (Defination of poor according to wiki: The poverty threshold, or poverty line, is the minimum level of income deemed necessary to achieve an adequate standard of living in a given country).
What is adequate standard of living in Malaysia ?
1) We need a car (public transportation sucks)
2) We need handphones (fix telephone line cost even more these days)
3) We need to eat , healthily if not luxuriously
4) We need to school our children (school fees nowadays has lots of extensions)
5) We need to repay our loans
6) We need to pay for our utilities expenses
7) We need to set aside for insurance and savings
But come to think of it, we will not able to save much these days if not depleting it.
It's even a luxury if you are able to save let alone owning a fixed deposit account.
So tell me, how poor are we now ?
I was thinking to degrade Adrian's milk from Enfagrow to something cheaper but not less nutricious. I was thinking Friso by Dutch Lady is a good choice.
So that's it, no more Nike/Adiddas shoes, you won't need to exercise that much, now that you are tightening you belt, coz eventually those celluloids will be useful at last......
What is adequate standard of living in Malaysia ?
1) We need a car (public transportation sucks)
2) We need handphones (fix telephone line cost even more these days)
3) We need to eat , healthily if not luxuriously
4) We need to school our children (school fees nowadays has lots of extensions)
5) We need to repay our loans
6) We need to pay for our utilities expenses
7) We need to set aside for insurance and savings
But come to think of it, we will not able to save much these days if not depleting it.
It's even a luxury if you are able to save let alone owning a fixed deposit account.
So tell me, how poor are we now ?
I was thinking to degrade Adrian's milk from Enfagrow to something cheaper but not less nutricious. I was thinking Friso by Dutch Lady is a good choice.
So that's it, no more Nike/Adiddas shoes, you won't need to exercise that much, now that you are tightening you belt, coz eventually those celluloids will be useful at last......
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
The Biscuit Frantic

Adrian loves his biscuits. His eight front teeth will be chomping his biscuits like a cutting machine. Nevertheless asking for more biscuits is well defined in his vocabulary. And of course the biscuits given to him must be well-conditioned. Why?, easy, he will go frantically emotionally unstable, screammingly stomping his feet and eventually throw the broken pieces ( or whatever is left of it) away. Yup, he gets very emotional when he's eating his biscuits and even more frantically emotional if his biscuits breaks into pieces. But then again, he loves is biscuits too much. At dinner, lunch ( whenever we want him to sit still during dinner, especially dining in a restaurant) he will have his biscuit to keep him accompany.
Sometimes I wonder, why of all food, he must have his biscuits? Well I guess, we will never know the truth behind this fetishism of his. In a nutshell...have you ever see a baby getting angry over a broken pieces of biscuits ? Heeerrreee's Adrian!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Good food out of nowhere??

I wouldn't call myself a food ambassador (gosh look at my waistline) and this is not an extension from the "Ho Chiak" program. But I did stumble upon this shop in Jonker Street the other day for some heart-filling cendol. It was my mum's fault. If she hadn't wanted to take a stroll along memory lane, I won't noticed it at all. The whole length of the street is pack with tourist, mostly Singaporean (I presumed so as I notice a lot of Singaporean vehicle entered this narrowed-street-city). The shop is also packed with patrons and as usual larr, if a Singaporean sees a queue, they would want to queue along too.
Above all, the food, well all I can say...heavenly. The "chiu pai" cendol is excellant for thirst quenchers. The aroma from the gula melaka just makes it more irresistable. I can't even helped to have more. I give a thumbs up.
The shop is setted upon on a old-fashion house-yard, with old deco and old-styled fittings. But what the heck, I am only here for the food!!!!
Above all, the food, well all I can say...heavenly. The "chiu pai" cendol is excellant for thirst quenchers. The aroma from the gula melaka just makes it more irresistable. I can't even helped to have more. I give a thumbs up.
The shop is setted upon on a old-fashion house-yard, with old deco and old-styled fittings. But what the heck, I am only here for the food!!!!
Monday, June 16, 2008
Food for Thought
Isn't it amazing that George Carlin - comedian of the 70's and 80's - could write something so very eloquent...and so very appropriate.
A Message by George Carlin:
The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers, Wider Freeways, but narrower viewpoints. We spend more, but have less, we buy more, but enjoy less. We have bigger houses and smaller families, more conveniences, but less time. We have more degrees but less sense, more knowledge, but less judgment, more experts, yet more problems, more medicine, but less wellness.
We drink too much, smoke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get too angry, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too little, watch TV too much, and pray too seldom.
We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values. We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often.
We've learned how to make a living, but not a life. We've added years to life not life to years. We've been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet a new neighbor. We conquered outer space but not inner space. We've done larger things, but not better things.
We've cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul. We've conquered the atom, but not our prejudice. We write more, but learn less. We plan more, but accomplish less. We've learned to rush, but not to wait. We build more computers to hold more information, to produce more copies than ever, but we communicate less and less.
These are the times of fast foods and slow digestion, big men and small character, steep profits and shallow relationships. These are the days of two incomes but more divorce, fancier houses, but broken homes. These are days of quick trips, disposable diapers, throwaway morality, one night stands, overweight bodies, and pills that do everything from cheer, to quiet, to kill. It is a time when there is much in the showroom window and nothing in the stockroom. A time when technology can bring this letter to you, and a time when you can choose either to share this insight, or to just hit delete...
Remember; spend some time with your loved ones, because they are not going to be around forever.
Remember, say a kind word to someone who looks up to you in awe, because that little person soon will grow up and leave your side.
Remember, to give a warm hug to the one next to you, because that is the only treasure you can give with your heart and it doesn't cost a cent.
Remember, to say, 'I love you' to your partner and your loved ones, but most of all mean it. A kiss and an embrace will mend hurt when it comes from deep inside of you.
Remember to hold hands and cherish the moment for someday that person will not be there again.
Give time to love, give time to speak! And give time to share the precious thoughts in your mind.
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Killing me softly .....
So, what 's next!!!! Electricity, transportation, essentials food items ???? Stock market tumbles...aftershocks ...(I expected it though). Niamah...I really pitied those people who opted to vote for the BN Govt to stay in power. What the heck. You reap what you sow and as the saying goes. If previously I can invest 15% of my pay into my savings, now, to invest in my son'e future seems so far away... Dunno how long I can tahan, or this will deplete into my savings. The govt. encourage us to save, but now..... how to save??? We are not talking about luxurious item as I don't live luxuriously and I tend to be thrifty in my spending. It getting hard to even sustain the current lifestyle which is now, quite frugal, what more can I expect to come along???
I have to start cracking my head as to how to increase my wealth, if not, definately, it's gonna impact our mode of lifestyle ( yeah degrading is one option to consider).
I have to start cracking my head as to how to increase my wealth, if not, definately, it's gonna impact our mode of lifestyle ( yeah degrading is one option to consider).
Thursday, May 22, 2008
The Price of Love
When it comes to Adrian, there is no price limit. Well, so at least I hope that's the case. But living in this present world with the rising of prices in almost everything on the shelf. Perhaps we need to control our lifestyle or degrade our living needs. But should we deprive Adrian from having the best? Everytime when I replenished his milk or diapers supply, his "papa" will be sweating with anguish and his fingers will be tapping the calculator to reconfirm his budget. Alas, he will be saying, no more new clothes/toys until next year. Poor Adrian, he will be stuck in his old clothes, I won't let that happen as I will be working in disguise to get him new clothes/toys simply by implying that these clothes/toys were either present from "somebody" or they were bought long ago. Yes I will continuosly spoil him ...that is the price I have to pay.....love!!!!!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
So, Dr. M quits. The share markets slipped off its tracks. There goes our economy. I really wonder when will our politician (not to mention the people who manage this country) will ever grow up and focus their attention and energy towards the country's affair and economy. Or would they rather to play "point-the-finger-at-who's-at fault" game. It's a sad state of affair our country is embracing.
People are now fanatical about everything, from creating the biggest mooncake to sending the model-cum-doctor-cum-spaceman(I wouldn't call him astronaut coz to be an astronaut, one must go through intensive "YEARS" of trainning) spending millions of our blood-sweat money in the name of glory (unsubstantial-glory). How can we act upon such stupidity spending when the basic needs of "rakyat" like clean water and education is still deemed far from reach????
If these so-call electives still behaves like kids, I guess we now need a diciplinary teacher to "ajar" them betul-betul. But, then again, why do want to let kids run our country?
People are now fanatical about everything, from creating the biggest mooncake to sending the model-cum-doctor-cum-spaceman(I wouldn't call him astronaut coz to be an astronaut, one must go through intensive "YEARS" of trainning) spending millions of our blood-sweat money in the name of glory (unsubstantial-glory). How can we act upon such stupidity spending when the basic needs of "rakyat" like clean water and education is still deemed far from reach????
If these so-call electives still behaves like kids, I guess we now need a diciplinary teacher to "ajar" them betul-betul. But, then again, why do want to let kids run our country?
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Dr M quits?
I wouldn't say if it's the joke of the day, but I can clearly note that it seems like the whole scenario is like ...a playground with kids playing. "One" of them has been leading the whole packed and subsequently resigned and he appointed a new successor. This successor goes against all rules the "One" laid upon and now "One" stamping all the way as the successor bent all the rules to let his friend to join the pack. The "One" now demanded the successor to step down and the latter disregard his intention. "One"now tarik harga and want to leave the playground and he would bring friends along...
Kids will be kids....
Kids will be kids....
What's Next
After a series of natural disaster hitting across the regions, we need to take some time off to ponder and reflect upon what have we done to mother-earth until she response so violently? Yes, we have been greedy, irresponsible, selfish etc and yet mother continously shelter us to many of us had taken for granted.
And yet shouldn't we have learned from past events that with regard that we still inhabit in her territories, we could at least take care of her. Sad to say, actions always speaks less louder than words.
Oh mother-earth, I take regard of you as if you are my own mother and I will take care of you as if you are my children.
And yet shouldn't we have learned from past events that with regard that we still inhabit in her territories, we could at least take care of her. Sad to say, actions always speaks less louder than words.
Oh mother-earth, I take regard of you as if you are my own mother and I will take care of you as if you are my children.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
A's for nothing
Rejection is a painful topic and my heart sinks for her. ( http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2008/5/14/nation/21240224&sec=nation)
I was having a discussion with my hubby the other day of whether we should consider chinese vernacular school for Adrian to be enrolled in ( I know it's a little bit too early those talks).
Although I admired these schools for thier strict diciplines and their attentiveness in the pupils education, I must admit that sometimes they are way overboard with the diciplines and homework. I was told the teachers in these school give a lot of homework to the pupils, and I was also told that some of these children were not able to cope with the pressure of homework and that they were to stay way past their bedtime just to finish their homework. Do we need to put our children through the mental torture. Are we really being measure by how many A's we have? Not to mention other strict diciplines regimes (eg hair (for boys) must be of the army style) and I pity those children piling their backs with kilogramms of school books.
I won't want Adrian to go through such torture, just to prove that he is brilliant. I wan him to grow on his own paced and, not being peered at. I want him to enjoy his childhood. Strings of A's doesn't mean anything nowadays. You can't even be selected for the "preferential elite". Well, if our education system is going to be like that, I would prefer Adrian not to go through the torture. I would want him to explore his potentioal whether in terms of skillfulness or academically. And I woild like to tell him, A's is not a big deal for me!!!!
I was having a discussion with my hubby the other day of whether we should consider chinese vernacular school for Adrian to be enrolled in ( I know it's a little bit too early those talks).
Although I admired these schools for thier strict diciplines and their attentiveness in the pupils education, I must admit that sometimes they are way overboard with the diciplines and homework. I was told the teachers in these school give a lot of homework to the pupils, and I was also told that some of these children were not able to cope with the pressure of homework and that they were to stay way past their bedtime just to finish their homework. Do we need to put our children through the mental torture. Are we really being measure by how many A's we have? Not to mention other strict diciplines regimes (eg hair (for boys) must be of the army style) and I pity those children piling their backs with kilogramms of school books.
I won't want Adrian to go through such torture, just to prove that he is brilliant. I wan him to grow on his own paced and, not being peered at. I want him to enjoy his childhood. Strings of A's doesn't mean anything nowadays. You can't even be selected for the "preferential elite". Well, if our education system is going to be like that, I would prefer Adrian not to go through the torture. I would want him to explore his potentioal whether in terms of skillfulness or academically. And I woild like to tell him, A's is not a big deal for me!!!!
We have been duped
We have been duped into believing that our economy is doing well.
We have been duped into believing that our GDP is at a healthy growth.
We have been duped into believing that our income per capital is sustainable..
What a crap....
It came to my attention that 20 years back, on average, we earned 3 times more than an average Korean did. And look what had happen now...
I've been told that the "Samsung" branding has reached its world wide phenomenon, meaning to say you can see their product being such a hit in the European markets and above all worldwide.
The fact is our economy is ailing and yet we have been told that we are indeed well ahead...my guess is ahead of who???
The logic isn't hard to be comprehand. In a ceteris paribus environment, by now we see our local brands like Air Asia (although relatively new), or Astro being internationally acclaimed, but unfortunately not. Where did we go wrong? And yet do you still believe we are doing well?
We have been duped into believing that our GDP is at a healthy growth.
We have been duped into believing that our income per capital is sustainable..
What a crap....
It came to my attention that 20 years back, on average, we earned 3 times more than an average Korean did. And look what had happen now...
I've been told that the "Samsung" branding has reached its world wide phenomenon, meaning to say you can see their product being such a hit in the European markets and above all worldwide.
The fact is our economy is ailing and yet we have been told that we are indeed well ahead...my guess is ahead of who???
The logic isn't hard to be comprehand. In a ceteris paribus environment, by now we see our local brands like Air Asia (although relatively new), or Astro being internationally acclaimed, but unfortunately not. Where did we go wrong? And yet do you still believe we are doing well?
Thursday, May 8, 2008
They sent him home ...
A relative of mine collapsed at his house last night and was rush to the hospital via the ambulance service. They sent him to this particular Govt Hospital which was near his place. The medical personal diagnosed him as blood sugar disorder and they have no qualms to sent him home along with his medication. Sensing that something is admist, as his brother noticed that he's not able to control his bladder and bowel, he rush him to a private hospital. Sadly the doctor confirmed that he suffered cerebral haemorrhage and scheduled an immediate operation for him. He's now still in the ICU, recuperating.
I was at dismay and enraged on the Govt hospital prognosis on him. Don't they have a trained personnel on duty or on call in the event such cases happened. We are talking in the matter on a human's life. Imagined what would happend should he took the Dr's advised and just went home and sleep on it??? Is it another case of the "amputated-arm baby in Klang?" Shouldn't people in the medical line take more responsibility in their line of duty. Where were the days where medical personnel are more caring and attentive ? Do we need to loose another human life to proove that the civil sector sucks???
I was at dismay and enraged on the Govt hospital prognosis on him. Don't they have a trained personnel on duty or on call in the event such cases happened. We are talking in the matter on a human's life. Imagined what would happend should he took the Dr's advised and just went home and sleep on it??? Is it another case of the "amputated-arm baby in Klang?" Shouldn't people in the medical line take more responsibility in their line of duty. Where were the days where medical personnel are more caring and attentive ? Do we need to loose another human life to proove that the civil sector sucks???
Eat Salty Fish and bear the thirst
I know blogging is the "in-thing" right now, but whatever I put on the cyberspace I have to put with "due diligent" (I don't want to end up like RPK-MalaysiaKini fiasco). And yet again conscience will be "slamming" on the back at my head for what I believe in. Right now, I am adopting the "Words speak louder than action" or "No-Action, Talk Only"(NATO) attidude for the time being as I am still Da' new kid around the "blog" and I knew with my eccentric personality, words just couldn't shut me up.
I want to blog but I must must be responsible for its consequences. As the Chinese saying goes: If you eat the salty fish, you must bear the thirst. HAh... and I love salty fish!!!!
I want to blog but I must must be responsible for its consequences. As the Chinese saying goes: If you eat the salty fish, you must bear the thirst. HAh... and I love salty fish!!!!
It's the time of the year....yet again...
You submitt already??? Yet again, it's the time of the year whereby taxpayer are taxing every greymatter they have over a bunch of bills and crunching the numbers. Oh yes, and yet again, there are bound to be some people (either they were born with lackadiscal attitude or not) are deemed to be last minute goers.I just could understand why people enjoy the wonderful hassle of crowding. Maybe bacause they each have this thought in mind" Well, the more, the merrier". Well a true example of "How to survive Living in Malaysia"
P/S, FYI I submitted mine long time ago, thanks to the wonderful technology of internet.....
P/S, FYI I submitted mine long time ago, thanks to the wonderful technology of internet.....
My paranoia will kill me!!!!
Why as Adrian is pacing himself to life greatest challenges, from sitting to crawling and now walking unaided, my heart virtually skip a beat for every move he endeavour. Come to think about that I wonder how many lifetime seconds my heart stop beating.
But then again, being part and parcel of parenthood, this is something I have to bear with, sort of like if you buy curry mee, you must have the gravy as well. Whoa!! boy, it’s gonna be a lifetime full of challenges head!.
Adrian is beginning to be inquisitive, adventurous, “experimenting with everything he manages to grasps, and now with his new ability to walk, the kitchen and the staircase are bound to be forbidden territory to him. And yet…. He will “naively” stumble to these places not realised by us and even himself.
And the public places seem to be unchartered territory for him, It’s a vast open area of opportunity for him to venture and explore. Once I almost “lost” him is an departmental store when he craftily crawled himself out from our supervision, only for me to realized moments later at which tears were already draining down from my eyes.
I know I might be a little over the board with supervision fuss over Adrian, but if I don’t my paranoia will kill me. But then again I would have , yet again lost a feww heartbeats as well!!!!!!
But then again, being part and parcel of parenthood, this is something I have to bear with, sort of like if you buy curry mee, you must have the gravy as well. Whoa!! boy, it’s gonna be a lifetime full of challenges head!.
Adrian is beginning to be inquisitive, adventurous, “experimenting with everything he manages to grasps, and now with his new ability to walk, the kitchen and the staircase are bound to be forbidden territory to him. And yet…. He will “naively” stumble to these places not realised by us and even himself.
And the public places seem to be unchartered territory for him, It’s a vast open area of opportunity for him to venture and explore. Once I almost “lost” him is an departmental store when he craftily crawled himself out from our supervision, only for me to realized moments later at which tears were already draining down from my eyes.
I know I might be a little over the board with supervision fuss over Adrian, but if I don’t my paranoia will kill me. But then again I would have , yet again lost a feww heartbeats as well!!!!!!
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