Tuesday, September 9, 2008

They say "It takes a big man to say sorry". (http://www.thestar.com.my/columnists/story.asp?col=thestarsays&file=/2008/9/7/columnists/thestarsays/22261867&sec=The%20Star%20Says ) A macho-chavaunistic-ego-manifested person will find it hard to admit his wrong-doing, no doubts about that. It's hard to admit that when it comes to ethical standards, we do practise double sets of rules. For example, some certain blogger insulted the country by rapping his toughts and wishes via the national anthem and he gets slammed by the entire country until some would want to threaten ISA detention, jail sentence etc. etc. etc. ... even though he had publicly expressed his apologies.

And worst of all, when he publicly stated that he would not apologies, and putting the blame to others, this show what a chavaunist is, is a chavaunist can be.
I had my qualms. And I will stay on my reservation and this is what I had to say...

"Hey man, I also stand by my stance...Sorry No Cure and this one is for you.... "

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So sorry it happen