So, Dr. M quits. The share markets slipped off its tracks. There goes our economy. I really wonder when will our politician (not to mention the people who manage this country) will ever grow up and focus their attention and energy towards the country's affair and economy. Or would they rather to play "point-the-finger-at-who's-at fault" game. It's a sad state of affair our country is embracing.
People are now fanatical about everything, from creating the biggest mooncake to sending the model-cum-doctor-cum-spaceman(I wouldn't call him astronaut coz to be an astronaut, one must go through intensive "YEARS" of trainning) spending millions of our blood-sweat money in the name of glory (unsubstantial-glory). How can we act upon such stupidity spending when the basic needs of "rakyat" like clean water and education is still deemed far from reach????
If these so-call electives still behaves like kids, I guess we now need a diciplinary teacher to "ajar" them betul-betul. But, then again, why do want to let kids run our country?
Well, I am still in shock of the fuel hike
I am waitong for more to come
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